The Common Workflow Language standard for describing computational workflows originated in the life science community. Please see:

Supported versions

REANA version cwltool version
0.8 release series 3.1.20210628163208
0.7 release series 1.0.20191022103248
0.6 release series 1.0.20190815141648
0.5 release series 1.0.20181118133959
0.3 release series 1.0.20180912090223
0.2 release series 1.0.20180326152342

CWL v1.0 specification conformance results

REANA 0.8.0 tested on 2022-01-12

  • 183 tests passed
  • 14 failures
  • 0 unsupported features
List of failed tests
- Test [6/197] initworkdir_expreng_requirements: Test InitialWorkDirRequirement ExpressionEngineRequirement.engineConfig feature
- Test [57/197] initial_workdir_trailingnl: Test if trailing newline is present in file entry in InitialWorkDir
- Test [65/197] format_checking_subclass: Test format checking against ontology using subclassOf.
- Test [66/197] format_checking_equivalentclass: Test format checking against ontology using equivalentClass.
- Test [87/197] directory_secondaryfiles: Test directories in secondaryFiles
- Test [100/197] filesarray_secondaryfiles: Test secondaryFiles on array of files.
- Test [103/197] dockeroutputdir: Test dockerOutputDirectory
- Test [106/197] inlinejs_req_expressions: Test InlineJavascriptRequirement with multiple expressions in the same tool
- Test [107/197] input_dir_recurs_copy_writable: Test if a writable input directory is recursively copied and writable
- Test [118/197] initial_workdir_empty_writable_docker: Test empty writable dir with InitialWorkDirRequirement inside Docker
- Test [132/197] wf_step_access_undeclared_param: Test that parameters that don't appear in the `run` process inputs are not present in the input object used to run the tool.
- Test [136/197] job_input_secondary_subdirs: Test specifying secondaryFiles in subdirectories of the job input document.
- Test [137/197] job_input_subdir_primary_and_secondary_subdirs: Test specifying secondaryFiles in same subdirectory of the job input as the primary input file.
- Test [173/197] docker_entrypoint: Test Docker ENTRYPOINT usage

CWL v1.1 specification conformance results

REANA 0.8.0 tested on 2022-01-12

  • 214 tests passed
  • 39 failures
  • 0 unsupported features
List of failed tests
- Test [6/253] initworkdir_expreng_requirements: Test InitialWorkDirRequirement ExpressionEngineRequirement.engineConfig feature
- Test [57/253] initial_workdir_trailingnl: Test if trailing newline is present in file entry in InitialWorkDir
- Test [65/253] format_checking_subclass: Test format checking against ontology using subclassOf.
- Test [66/253] format_checking_equivalentclass: Test format checking against ontology using equivalentClass.
- Test [87/253] directory_secondaryfiles: Test directories in secondaryFiles
- Test [100/253] filesarray_secondaryfiles: Test required, optional and null secondaryFiles on array of files.
- Test [104/253] dockeroutputdir: Test dockerOutputDirectory
- Test [107/253] inlinejs_req_expressions: Test InlineJavascriptRequirement with multiple expressions in the same tool
- Test [108/253] input_dir_recurs_copy_writable: Test if a writable input directory is recursively copied and writable
- Test [119/253] initial_workdir_empty_writable_docker: Test empty writable dir with InitialWorkDirRequirement inside Docker
- Test [133/253] wf_step_access_undeclared_param: Test that parameters that don't appear in the `run` process inputs are not present in the input object used to run the tool.
- Test [137/253] job_input_secondary_subdirs: Test specifying secondaryFiles in subdirectories of the job input document.
- Test [138/253] job_input_subdir_primary_and_secondary_subdirs: Test specifying secondaryFiles in same subdirectory of the job input as the primary input file.
- Test [174/253] docker_entrypoint: Test Docker ENTRYPOINT usage
- Test [199/253] stdin_shorcut: Test command execution in with stdin and stdout redirection using stdin shortcut
- Test [204/253] secondary_files_missing: Test checking when secondaryFiles are missing
- Test [206/253] input_records_file_entry_with_format_and_bad_regular_input_file_format: Test file format checking on parameter
- Test [207/253] input_records_file_entry_with_format_and_bad_entry_file_format: Test file format checking on record field
- Test [208/253] input_records_file_entry_with_format_and_bad_entry_array_file_format: Test file format checking on array item
- Test [209/253] record_output_file_entry_format: Test format on output record fields
- Test [214/253] timelimit_basic: Test that job fails when exceeding time limit
- Test [217/253] timelimit_from_expression: Test expression in time limit
- Test [219/253] timelimit_basic_wf: Test that tool in workflow fails when exceeding time limit
- Test [222/253] timelimit_from_expression_wf: Test expression in time limit in workflow
- Test [224/253] networkaccess_disabled: Test networkaccess is disabled by default
- Test [225/253] Test null and array input in InitialWorkDirRequirement
- Test [227/253] cwl_requirements_addition: Test requirements in input document via EnvVarRequirement
- Test [228/253] cwl_requirements_override_expression: Test conflicting requirements in input document via EnvVarRequirement and expression
- Test [229/253] cwl_requirements_override_static: Test conflicting requirements in input document via EnvVarRequirement
- Test [232/253] Test fail trying to glob outside output directory
- Test [233/253] symlink to file outside of working directory should NOT be retrieved
- Test [234/253] symlink to file inside of working directory should be retrieved
- Test [235/253] inplace update has side effect on file content
- Test [236/253] inplace update has side effect on directory content
- Test [238/253] stage_file_array: Test that array of input files can be staged to directory with entryname
- Test [239/253] stage_file_array: Test that array of input files can be staged to directory with basename
- Test [240/253] stage_file_array: Test that if array of input files are staged to directory with basename and entryname, entryname overrides
- Test [249/253] inputBinding_position_expr: Test for expression in the InputBinding.position field; also test using emoji in CWL document and tool output
- Test [250/253] outputEval_exitCode: Can access exit code in outputEval

CWL v1.2 specification conformance results

REANA 0.8.0 tested on 2022-01-12

  • 254 tests passed
  • 82 failures
  • 0 unsupported features
List of failed tests
- Test [6/336] initworkdir_expreng_requirements: Test InitialWorkDirRequirement ExpressionEngineRequirement.engineConfig feature
- Test [58/336] initial_workdir_trailingnl: Test if trailing newline is present in file entry in InitialWorkDir
- Test [66/336] format_checking_subclass: Test format checking against ontology using subclassOf.
- Test [67/336] format_checking_equivalentclass: Test format checking against ontology using equivalentClass.
- Test [88/336] directory_secondaryfiles: Test directories in secondaryFiles
- Test [101/336] filesarray_secondaryfiles: Test required, optional and null secondaryFiles on array of files.
- Test [105/336] dockeroutputdir: Test dockerOutputDirectory
- Test [108/336] inlinejs_req_expressions: Test InlineJavascriptRequirement with multiple expressions in the same tool
- Test [109/336] input_dir_recurs_copy_writable: Test if a writable input directory is recursively copied and writable
- Test [120/336] initial_workdir_empty_writable_docker: Test empty writable dir with InitialWorkDirRequirement inside Docker
- Test [134/336] wf_step_access_undeclared_param: Test that parameters that don't appear in the `run` process inputs are not present in the input object used to run the tool.
- Test [138/336] job_input_secondary_subdirs: Test specifying secondaryFiles in subdirectories of the job input document.
- Test [139/336] job_input_subdir_primary_and_secondary_subdirs: Test specifying secondaryFiles in same subdirectory of the job input as the primary input file.
- Test [175/336] docker_entrypoint: Test Docker ENTRYPOINT usage
- Test [205/336] secondary_files_missing: Test checking when secondaryFiles are missing
- Test [207/336] input_records_file_entry_with_format_and_bad_regular_input_file_format: Test file format checking on parameter
- Test [208/336] input_records_file_entry_with_format_and_bad_entry_file_format: Test file format checking on record field
- Test [209/336] input_records_file_entry_with_format_and_bad_entry_array_file_format: Test file format checking on array item
- Test [210/336] record_output_file_entry_format: Test format on output record fields
- Test [215/336] timelimit_basic: Test that job fails when exceeding time limit
- Test [218/336] timelimit_from_expression: Test expression in time limit
- Test [220/336] timelimit_basic_wf: Test that tool in workflow fails when exceeding time limit
- Test [223/336] timelimit_from_expression_wf: Test expression in time limit in workflow
- Test [225/336] networkaccess_disabled: Test networkaccess is disabled by default
- Test [226/336] Test null and array input in InitialWorkDirRequirement
- Test [228/336] cwl_requirements_addition: Test requirements in input document via EnvVarRequirement
- Test [229/336] cwl_requirements_override_expression: Test conflicting requirements in input document via EnvVarRequirement and expression
- Test [230/336] cwl_requirements_override_static: Test conflicting requirements in input document via EnvVarRequirement
- Test [233/336] Test fail trying to glob outside output directory
- Test [234/336] symlink to file outside of working directory should NOT be retrieved
- Test [235/336] symlink to file inside of working directory should be retrieved
- Test [236/336] inplace update has side effect on file content
- Test [237/336] inplace update has side effect on directory content
- Test [239/336] stage_file_array: Test that array of input files can be staged to directory with entryname
- Test [240/336] stage_file_array: Test that array of input files can be staged to directory with basename
- Test [241/336] stage_file_array: Test that if array of input files are staged to directory with basename and entryname, entryname overrides
- Test [250/336] inputBinding_position_expr: Test for expression in the InputBinding.position field; also test using emoji in CWL document and tool output
- Test [251/336] outputEval_exitCode: Can access exit code in outputEval
- Test [257/336] escaping: Line continuations in bash scripts should behave correctly
- Test [258/336] escaping: Line continuations in bash scripts should always behave correctly
- Test [259/336] escaping: Test quoting multiple backslashes
- Test [260/336] quotes: Strings returned from JS expressions should not have extra quotes around them
- Test [267/336] first_non_null_all_null: pickValue: first_non_null needs at least one non null
- Test [270/336] pass_through_required_fail: pickValue: the_only_non_null will fail due to multiple non nulls
- Test [271/336] all_non_null_multi_with_non_array_output: pickValue: all_non_null will fail validation
- Test [273/336] the_only_non_null_multi_true: pickValue: the_only_non_null will fail with two active nodes
- Test [281/336] conditionals_non_boolean_fail: Non-boolean values from "when" should fail
- Test [289/336] first_non_null_all_null_nojs: pickValue: first_non_null needs at least one non null; no javascript
- Test [292/336] pass_through_required_fail: pickValue: the_only_non_null will fail due to multiple non nulls; no javascript
- Test [293/336] all_non_null_multi_with_non_array_output_nojs: pickValue: all_non_null will fail validation; no javascript
- Test [295/336] the_only_non_null_multi_true_nojs: pickValue: the_only_non_null will fail with two active nodes; no javascript
- Test [301/336] scatter_on_scattered_conditional_nojs: Simple scatter: Add conditional variable to scatter; no javascript
- Test [302/336] conditionals_nested_cross_scatter_nojs: nested cross product scatter with condition on one dimension; no javascript
- Test [303/336] conditionals_non_boolean_fail_nojs: Non-boolean values from "when" should fail; no javascript
- Test [304/336] conditionals_multi_scatter_nojs: Scatter two steps, flatten result + pickValue; no javascript
- Test [305/336] Default inputs, choose step to run based on what was provided, first case
- Test [306/336] Default inputs, choose step to run based on what was provided, second case
- Test [307/336] Confirm CommandInputParameter expression can receive a File object
- Test [309/336] test v1.0 workflow document that runs other versions
- Test [310/336] test v1.1 workflow document that runs other versions
- Test [311/336] test v1.2 workflow document that runs other versions
- Test [312/336] test tool with v1.2 syntax marked as v1.0 (should fail)
- Test [313/336] test tool with v1.2 syntax marked as v1.1 (should fail)
- Test [316/336] test 1.2 wf that includes tools that are marked as v1.0 and v1.1 that
- Test [319/336] Test that InitialWorkDir contents can be bigger than 64k
- Test [320/336] Test dump object to JSON in InitialWorkDir file contents, no trailing newline
- Test [321/336] Test dump object to JSON in InitialWorkDir file contents, with trailing newline
- Test [322/336] Test array to JSON in InitialWorkDir file contents, no trailing newline
- Test [323/336] Test array to JSON in InitialWorkDir file contents, with trailing newline
- Test [324/336] Test number to JSON in InitialWorkDir file contents, no trailing newline
- Test [325/336] Test number to JSON in InitialWorkDir file contents, with trailing newline
- Test [326/336] Test InitialWorkDir file passthrough
- Test [327/336] Test InitialWorkDir file object is serialized to json
- Test [328/336] Test InitialWorkDir file object is passed through
- Test [329/336] Test InitialWorkDir file object is passed through
- Test [330/336] Test File and Directory object in listing
- Test [331/336] Test File and Directory object in listing
- Test [332/336] Test input mount locations when container required
- Test [333/336] Test input mount locations when no container (should fail)
- Test [334/336] Test input mount locations when container is a hint (should fail)
- Test [335/336] Must fail if entryname starts with ../
- Test [336/336] Test directory literal containing a real file