First example

First, obtain your new REANA command-line access token. For example, at CERN, do:

$ firefox

Second, install and activate the REANA command-line client reana-client. For example, at CERN, login to LXPLUS and activate it as follows:

$ source /afs/

Alternatively, you can install it via pip, ideally in a new virtual environment:

$ # create new virtual environment
$ virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/reana
$ source ~/.virtualenvs/reana/bin/activate
$ # upgrade pip
$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ # install reana-client
$ pip install reana-client

Third, set REANA environment variables for the client (using the access token obtained in the first step) and test your connection:

$ export REANA_ACCESS_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
$ reana-client ping

Fourth, clone a simple analysis example and run it on the REANA platform:

$ git clone
$ cd reana-demo-root6-roofit    # we now have cloned an example
$ reana-client create -w roofit # create new workflow called "roofit"
$ export REANA_WORKON=roofit    # save workflow name we are currently working on
$ reana-client upload           # upload code and inputs to remote workspace
$ reana-client start            # start the workflow
$ reana-client status           # check its status
$ # ... wait a minute or so for workflow to finish
$ reana-client status           # check whether it is finished
$ reana-client logs             # check its output logs
$ reana-client ls               # list its workspace files
$ reana-client download results/plot.png  # download output plot

That's it! You should see the output plot.