REANA uses shared filesystem for storing results of your running workflows. They may be garbage-collected after a certain period of time. You can use the reana-client download command to download the results of your workflows.

If you wish to automatise the copying of your workflow outputs to your personal EOS space, you can proceed as follows.

First, you will have to let the REANA platform know your Kerberos keytab so that the writing to EOS would be authorised. We can do this by creating and uploading keytab and CERN username as your user secrets.

Second, once your Kerberos user secrets are uploaded to the REANA platform, you can modify your workflow to add a final data publishing step that would copy your output plots to the desired EOS directory. For example:

  type: serial
      - name: myfirststep
      - name: mysecondstep
      - name: publish
        environment: 'docker.io/library/ubuntu:20.04'
        kerberos: true
          - mkdir -p /eos/home-j/johndoe/myanalysis-outputs
          - cp myplots/*.png /eos/home-j/johndoe/myanalysis-outputs/

Note the presence of the kerberos: true clause in the final publishing step definition which instructs the REANA system to initialise the Kerberos-based authentication process using the provided user secrets.